Monday 1 September 2008

Face on Mars

Face on Mars : is a theory of a face on mars, constructed by some unknown civilisation. This idea has been a subject of debate and wonder for almost 25 years. In 1976 the Viking Orbiter sent back an image from the Cydonia region of Mars.

Some scientists were intrigued by a certain formation that seemed to strongly resemble a human face. However because the red planet had such a vast array of features to be examined "The Face on Mars" was largely accepted by most scientists as a trick of the light or merely wishful thinking. There was no direct evidence to suggest that sentient beings had existed on Mars, hence no real reason to think that the "Face" was anything more that a natural formation.


Fairy n : an inhabitant of the mythical land of Fays, Fairyland collectively Enchantment. A mythical small being with human form, popularly believed to possess magical powers and a capability to interfere in human affairs (with either good or evil intent). Today fairies tend to be represented as enchanting beautiful females, usually with wings.


Fakir n : is the word used to describe either a Muslim religious mendicant or a Hindu ascetic or religious mendicant, particularly one who performs feats of endurance or magic. Fakirs are often associated with performing feats of magic such as 'the Indian rope trick' or charming dangerous snakes using musical instruments.

Fakir Magic

Fakir Magic : is the type of magic associated with Indian fakirs. Some of the more well known feats performed by these fakirs include: charming deadly snakes in large baskets with musical instruments, lying near-naked on a bed of sharp nails without incurring any injuries, levitation and the infamous Indian rope trick.
According to Dr. Karl P.N. Schuker in his book The Unexplained, a professor called Larry D. Kirkpatrick, a physicist at Montana State University duplicated the lying on a bed of nails trick in an experiment. This was to find out how, and if, it was actually possible to do. Whilst lying on his bed of nails he even permitted a well-built American football player to sit on his chest.
The experiment was possibly less about 'debunking' fakir magic, but a lesson in the relationship between weight distribution and pressure, i.e. the greater the number of nails that supported his body, the smaller the amount of pressure exerted by his body's weight on each nail (this number is directly proportional to the weight of the person lying on them), the amount of pressure that the body exerts on any given nail is not great enough to puncture the skin.

Fallen Host

Fallen Host : these are angels that have fallen from God's grace. Although rarely mentioned in biblical scripture these beings serve as a warning to the reader of what the wrath of God can bring. Angelogists have a certain interest in these creatures because they have quite an air of shadowy mystery surrounding them.

False Arrival Apparition

False Arrival Apparition : is a phenomenon whereby the percipient hears and sometimes less frequently sees another person arrive.

This usually occurs half an hour or an hour or so before the person actually arrives. The percipient may hear footsteps on a path, the opening of a gate, the opening of a front door or even footsteps on the stairs.

In Scandinavian countries this phenomenon is common. Indeed a professor of physics at the University of Oslo did some research in this area. He speculated that this is a form of communication that has evolved especially among people who live in isolated rural areas.

False Awakening

False Awakening : is a phenomenon whereby a person believes that they have woken up, but they are still actually dreaming.

Fortean Phenomena

Fortean Phenomena n : strange naturally occurring phenomena that science cannot yet define or explain.
The Fortean Times is a magazine that is dedicated to this type of phenomena and presents some strange and unusual happenings in a lively easy to read manner. An extract that appears in each issue helps to define the term Fortean:


Fractals : are processes or images that exhibit something called self-similarity. For example something that is made up a reduced version of itself.

In nature many objects exhibit self-similarity for example landscapes. The study of this phenomena has been around for over 100 years and initially introduced via journals and mathematical literature. Like so many revolutionary ideas they were denounced.

Earth Giants

Earth Giants : over the years a number of gigantic human skeletons have been unearthed. The most distinctive of these were the remains of some American giants found in the 1880s at Tioga Point, near Sayre in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, as recounted by Robert Lyman in Forbidden Land. Some other examples include the following:a decayed human skeleton claimed by eyewitnesses to measure around 3.28 metres (10 feet 9 inches tall), was unearthed by labourers while ploughing a vineyard in November 1856 in East Wheeling, now in West Virginia.

Earth Mysteries

Earth Mysteries : these can be anything from crop circles to the Bermuda Triangle.

Things suddenly appearing on the earth, strange happenings in certain areas, can all be put in the Earths Mysteries catagory.

Easter Island

Easter Island : is one of the loneliest and most isolated islands on Earth. It is located approximately 2000 miles from South America in one direction; and approximately 2000 miles from a few pacific islands in another.
Easter Island is famed for its remarkable stone statues, with one or more of them scattered every few hundred yards, around the grassy slopes of the island.
The massive stone statues are thought to represent stone guardian gods, but exactly where they came from does remain a mystery. It is thought that the Easter Islanders made the stones by copying the faces of their ancestors as the result of some form of ancestor worship.


Ecstacy : is a state of emotion or altered state of consciousness, that can be so intense that the person experiencing it is carried beyond rational thought and self control.
A state of ecstasy is associated with feelings of intense, pleasure, joy or delight. Sometimes a state of ecstasy is associated with a trance-like state of rapture and frenzy, associated with prophetic or mystic exaltation. For example the state can be accompanied by feelings of the mind being elevated above the reach of ordinary impressions.


Ectoplasm : is a strange, visible, semi-fluid substance, that is believed to emanate from the body of a physical medium/spiritualistic medium.
The ectoplasm may or may not go on to form materialisations.
The phenomenon usually occurs while mediums are either in communication with the dead or in a trance. In relation to the transparent corporeal presence of a spirit or ghost, ectoplasm is the immaterial or ethereal substance defining its shape.

EEG (Electro-Encephalography)

EEG (Electro-Encephalography) : is a method used to record variations in electrical activity in the cortex of the brain.

Electromagnetic Field

Electromagnetic Field : is the field of force associated with electric charge in motion.

It has both electric and magnetic components and contains a definite amount of electromagnetic energy.

Electrodermal Activity

Electrodermal Activity : is a term used to describe changes in the skin's ability to conduct electricity. It is a useful, fast, cheap, well established (since 1880's), low-tech and relatively non-invasive psychophysiological measure, which can be used to study many issues including: cognition, affect and individual differences.
It can also be used in ambulatory studies. There are also many dependent measures that may be observed within EDA and these different aspects of the EDA appear to reflect different kinds of cognitive or affective response. For EDA a measurement is taken of the function of the eccrine sweat glands.


Electrokinesis : is the the term used to describe the generation of electricity from the mind.

This electricity can then be used to do a variety of things, such as charging watches and batteries.